Here is another Facebook post by Fr. James
Martin. It is a very thoughtful piece,
that speaks especially to Christians on the issue of tolerance and the tragedy
of Charlottesville, Virginia. You can
find Fr. Martin’s Facebook page at
(Facebook post 8/13/17)
How many white supremacists who were in Charlottesville
consider themselves Christian?
Probably most of them. But “supremacy” is the
precise opposite of Jesus’s message.
In the Gospels, Jesus asks us to love one another, to place
others’ needs before our own, even to die for one another. The idea of
“supremacy" is absurd to Jesus.
Indeed, Jesus tells us explicitly that we are never to
“lord” power over others, and that we are to be one another’s “servants” (Mk.
10: 42-43)
The idea that anyone is “less than” because of his or her
race is likewise antithetical to Jesus’s message. For example, in his day the
Samaritans were avoided, despised and even shunned by the majority of the
Jewish people.
Yet Jesus not only speaks to a Samaritan woman, and reveals
his divinity to her; but he makes the hero of one of his most well known
parables the “Good Samaritan.” (Jn 4; Lk 10)
He even encounters a Roman centurion, someone completely
outside of his religion, speaks with him, heals his servant, and praises his
faith (Mt 8:5-13).
So for Jesus, there is no “us” and them.” No one should be
made by the community into an “other,” as white supremacists do to non-whites.
There is only us.
More basically, racism goes against everything that Jesus
taught. It promotes hatred, not love; anger not compassion; vengeance not
mercy. It is a sin.
So “Christian white supremacist” is an oxymoron. Every time
you shout “White Power!” you might as well be shouting “Crucify him!”
And any time you lift your hand in a Nazi salute, you might
as well be lifting your hand to nail Jesus to the Cross.
And lest you miss the point, your Savior is Jewish.
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