On March 9, 2017, WCCO Television in Minneapolis ran a story about a doctor in the little town of Dawson who is a Muslim and spoke at a community event, answering questions about his religion. The TV news story can be found here, and a complete transcript of the questions and answers here. I encourage you to check out the transcript, especially.
In countries where Islam is the
dominant religion is it considered to be 1) a “state” religion and 2) the “one
true” religion?
Virji: Very good question, which
deserves a long answer! The Quran says in 2:62 “Surely those who believe,
including the Christians, Jews, and Sabians (other theists), and who lead a
righteous life, will receive their reward from God. They have nothing to fear,
nor will they grieve.” It goes on to say later in the chapter, (2:256) “There
is no compulsion in religion.” During the time of Mohammad, Christians, Jews,
atheists and pagans lived together without religious persecution. Mohammad
was head of state and himself did not tolerate any hate speech or hate crimes during his leadership. Even when the
Muslims reconquered Mecca (took back what was stolen from them) they did so
without one drop of blood. They came in the city with grace and told all the
people they were safe, even the non-Muslims.
Islam does regard itself as a
theocracy (combination of Church in state). This is a difference in Islam
and Christianity. …
Finally, I do not know of any
religion that does not regard itself as the “true religion of God.” I
think Christianity believes that about itself, Hinudism believes that about
itself, Judaism believe that about itself. Islam, like many other religions
however, clearly accepts other faiths as containing universal truth and a
pathway to God. One Muslim saint said, “There are as many paths to God as
there are human breaths.” Islam believes strongly that salvation is in the
hands of each individual of God’s creation,
no matter their professed faith.
Do the majority of Muslims
respect/tolerate other religions?
Virji: By far, yes! If they
don’t then they are not practicing Islam. Groups like ISIS and Al-Quaeda
are NOT practicing Islam!
Please explain how Sharia law does
not oppress women.
Virji: Islamic Shariah was the first
legal system to formally give women the right to vote, the right to own
property and the right to divorce their husband. It did so in the 7th century
AD. As a comparison, women in the U.S. didn’t get the right to vote until
early 1900’s after a long suffrage movement. In addition, Prophet Mohammed said,
“A man should respect in all women the womb that bore him.” The Quran
constantly refers to women as men’s equals in this world. What you see with
some of the suppression of women’s rights in the Middle East is more their
tribalism roots, not Islam. Remember, many of these countries are still
very poor and uneducated, for example, the average adult male educated in Iraq
is only 5th grade level.
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